Greetings, I am the president of the Peoples' Republic Of Xanthus. I have been made aware of your plight and will help fight off Shiara from here.
Shiara was once a member of my council, but when an accident left her body destroyed, she made a dying wish to have her sentience placed into the computer on the new ship to act as it's main AI. Apparently, someone or something has tampered with her delicate structure and she has gone haywire. Allways be weary of what she tells you, you never know what'll happen next. There is one basic thing to know about her,.swelsfb$BLT!!$b lk2942fbkjsff...
Incoming message from Shiara:
Hah!! that Magius thinks that you and he will defeat me!! how sorrowfully mistaken the fool is.
Might as well tell you, fill up at the recharge at the end of this hall and take a right into the teleporter. It'll take you where you should be.